Technology Hub
Students without a Responsible Use Agreement on file risk having their SPS Google account suspended.
Please have the technology forms Listed below submitted ASAP to avoid any issues with student access to SPS technology.
24-25 Responsible Use, Device Selection, and Media Consent Forms in PowerSchool
- These forms must be signed EACH YEAR.
- Forms must be completed for students using BOTH SPS AND BYOD devices.
- Forms can be accessed through BOTH the website ( or mobile app (see the left hand column)
- Forms are only available through PARENT accounts - student accounts (username = ID number) cannot access forms
Please make sure that ALL THREE forms for 23-24 have been submitted (see screenshot below):
If you forgot your password, you can reset it by clicking the link: "Forgot Username or Password?" located here.
PowerSchool (Students)
Username = your Student ID Number
Mobile App (School Code = JQJK)